Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday: Our Last Whirlwind Spin Through The London

Our first stop was to see the utterly beautiful and unbelievable St. Paul’s’ Cathedral. This is an amazing structure built about 500 years ago. Actually the first structure was built in 604 but burnt down in 1087.

St Paul’s has been the location of such remarkable ceremonial events including the funeral of Winston Churchill on 1965 and the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer in 1981.
Once again we ran into the dilemma of not being able to take any pictures in this magnificent structure. Still, I got a few off before I noticed the signs. This is actually the first country we have encountered with so many restrictions on photographing such a rich history – quite disappointing for the photo traveler.

We took in a few more rooms and then decided to head back to our hotel. Well, that was the plan anyway. As it has been with most of sight seeing we walked back dropped off some bags full of London goodies, and then headed back down Carnaby Street for the last of the souvenir shopping. We found a tea shop, made a few more purchases, dropped them back at the room and headed back to the Shakespear’s Head pub for a late dinner and drink.
Alas, one drink turned into two, as we chatted with the owner manager, who also bought a round – very nice folks at the Shakespear’s Head pub, you know. The place was packed with rugby fans watching the Wales vs. New Zealand teams battle it out. LaDawn a true sports fan received some first class English lessons on the rules of rugby. New Zealand won handily, much to the dismay of the local favorite.

After a fairly easy check in, we boarded the plane and are heading home as I write this. What a week it was – jam packed with the excitement of opening nights, more theatre, strolling the London streets, taking in the people, the buzz, and just enjoying a drink or two in the city. A fabulous time was had by all!
Check out the show below – it’s a brief recap of our week’s adventures. Enjoy! -Dave and LaDawn.
Friday: The Tower of London

We got there late, but we were able to quickly catch up with the last tour that had just started. The tour was led by one of the 33 Yeoman Warders, “Beefeaters” that have the privilege to call The Tower of London home. I have to say our tour guide was quite funny and we really enjoyed his presentation.

We had one minor incident along the way - a hail storm that hit us briefly as we walked the three blocks up to the theater. Yes, it's true -- a hailstorm! The weather is getting very cold for the weekend and we’re expected to be under freezing most of Saturday maybe with some snow. The weather has been with us most of this trip with partly sunny days and fairly nice temperatures in the mid 40's. We're bundling up for our journey on Saturday.
Anyway, we had another great night of theater seeing "Imagine This” for the second time and feeling just as enthusiastic as we did when we saw the performance Wednesday evening. A few of our Cincinnati contingent were also at the play and it was nice to visit and chat with them making our goodbyes at the end of the play and all planning to get back together once we all returned home.

Thursday: Another Trip Around The City And One More Play
After enjoying our wonderful evening at the theater last night, we headed back to the hotel, ordered some room service, and just crashed.
We got a reasonably early start on today -- now early for us in London doesn't mean like eight or nine o'clock in the morning. It actually means we got out by around lunchtime. It seems the main reason for this is that when we get back to the room we spend a lot of time talking about the day, and tuning into whatever the latest news is on the BBC.
Anyway, we grabbed a quick lunch in Soho today at a small Italian restaurant. The weather was quite warm and we're able to take our lunch at one of the street side tables - which was quite nice.

We grabbed our tickets, got great seats just 11 rows from the front stage, and settled in for another wonderful evening of theater. It was a bit amazing but, the young boy playing the part of Billy Elliot has to be one of the hardest working 12 year old kids in London. The dance numbers in the play were truly wonderful, high energy and effort that this 12-year-old boy put into his performance was unbelievable.

That wraps it for today and I think we’re both planning to sleep in a bit for tomorrow. But having said that, our big plans include visiting the Tower of London tomorrow. So until then, were signing off today, and we'll see everybody again tomorrow.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Dave and LaDawn on the Road - England 11-08

Where freedom was found through imagination.
Where hope and laughter could conquer fear.
Where love knew no boundaries.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Dave and LaDawn on the Road - England
We met up with a few others traveling from Cincinnati to London at the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Airport. It's a long and on this occasion a turbulent flight as we are thankful to be safe and sound on the ground in England. How exciting it was to step into the train station, luggage in tow and find our first poster displaying the play,

After a short nap we head out to explore our surrounds, grab some dinner and begin to take in the city. Regent Street just a 1/2 block from our hotel if delightfully decorated for Christmas with beautiful lights. The store windows are bursting with this season's most impressionable fashions. Window shopping is great.
Directly across from our hotel is Carnaby Street. During the 1960's this street was so much the center of swinging London that the Oxford English Dictionary coined the term meaning "fashionable clothing for young people". It continues to have a reputation for cutting-edge fashion. It too is decorated for the upcoming Christmas Season.

After Dave completes his blog post - we are off to take in the city by daylight. Our destination is Westminster Abbey a few miles from our hotel. We will walk the distance and enjoy the fresh yet cool air. The rain of yesterday is beginning to stop and temperature is in the mid to lower 40's.
Westminster Abbey is world famous as the resting place for Britain's monarchs and for the coronation of their royalty. It has the most impressive collection of medieval architecture in London. While 1/2 national church and 1/2 national museum the church is homes to hundreds of tombs. The incredible Lady Chapel which was consecrated in 1512 left Dave and I both breathless at the beautiful vaulted ceiling. The octagonal Chapter House with amazing stained glass windows and incredible tiled floor from the 13th century was also breathtaking to behold. But nothing can truly compare to the beauty and opulence of the Abbey and High Alter area where William the Conqueror held his coronation - get this in 1066! Amazing. Unfortunately, and much to our disappointment, NO photographs were permitted inside the church. This is a must see for any visitor to London.
From Westminster Abbey we were just minutes away from Big Ben. This impressive clock is the largest in Britain and has kept exact time for the nation since it was first set in motion in 1859. This certainly is a symbol of Britain and the chimes ring daily on BBC radio. Then a short walk across the park to the Thames River.

Friday, November 30, 2007
Two More Days of Paradise
On Thursday, LaDawn and I had a really nice walk around the neighborhood. I did my thing with the camera while LaDawn held the flash. We got some really great images which you can see in the slide show below. Yesterday evening we had a wonderful dinner at on of the locals favorite restaurants - Guacamaya's - real Mexican food that was delicious, and didn't break the bank either. Open the link and read down for a visiter's comments. We had dinner with a lovely woman, Elsa, who runs a Christian school for about 300 of the kids here in San Jose. With eight teachers and her assistant Debbie, they really have their hands full. That's Elsa's son Kiki in the slide show and arm wrestling Lindsay - LaDawn's daughter - in the slide show.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday and Tuesday
Not much stuff going on for the first of days down here - I think everybody was just "vegging out". Anyway the break is well needed. The funny thing is that we spent a good part of yesterday shopping for goodies down here. Let's see, we hit Costco, Sam's - yep they are all down here. We also hit Mega - the grocery store with a view. Monday was off to a slow start too, but we ended up at Sunset Mona Lisa - the best place to watch a sunset in Cabo.
Tuesday we headed of to the Hilton Hotel, best pool and beach in Cabo. The LaDawn, Lindsay, Sarah, and Kent headed for the spa and I hit the beach to get some photographs. WE were back to the house, relaxed with a glass of wine and hit the sack early. Enjoy the slide show of the sites below. Today we are going to explore the cool little town of San Jose - nice art community and good restaurants. That's it for today. --Dave and LaDawn
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday Morning in Cabo - Good Morning Sunshine

We headed for the taxis, loaded up and were on our way. Man, all we wanted to do was crash - seems all of us were working to hard the past week and we all needed a little R&R - what better place than Cabo.

After settling in, and a brief rest we were on our way. Kent and Sarah know this wonderful gallery owner - Dana Lieb, owner of Pez Gordo Art Gallery - who was having a showing of well known Mexican artist, Alejandro Martinez-Pena. You can check out his work right here. The work was amazing - my favorite was one of the most expensive pieces in the show - good taste I guess ;-) After the gallery visit, we headed to Local Eight for dinner. This is a wonderful little restaurant owned by a neighbor of Kent and Sarah's. Great meal as always, and who can forget the Calamari.

We wrapped up dinner, said good night to Marissimo, our server, and Jeff, the owner, made it back to our Cabo home for the week and hit the sack early. We are getting ready to head on out to a little Christian church Kent and Sarah are involved with so we will fill you in all the day's happenings tomorrow.
Have a good one, Dave and LaDawn from the road.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
That's It for This Trip
Our next trip is to Florida to photography a 4 day wedding . We will be leaving around October 15th. And then, after that, on to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for a little R&R.
See you then, Dave and LaDawn
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday in Brooklyn Heights and Broadway.
What a wonderful little detour from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Quiet streets, nice restaurants, and great views of the Financial District of New York City from the Promenade. We just relaxed here for a few hours before heading back to our hotel. Check out some of the images in the slide show below.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
A Walk in the Park - Central Park
There is only one way to describe the Central Park experience. It is a wonderful island of beauty and tranquility in the middle of one of the busiest cities in the world. But once inside the park, the entire city drifted away - no horns, sirens, no road noise in general. Just a slight breeze, kids running, playing and laughing, people walking their dogs, reading, skating, biking - or just relaxing. Can New York City and "relaxing" exist in the same sentence? In Central Park - an emphatic Yes! All the park info is right here.
The park is big which makes for all kind of activities going on - including softball, soccer, carousels, amusement parks, row boating, hiking, biking, jogging, picnicking, gift shops - the list continues to go on. The weather was a perfect 75 degrees with white clouds and blue skies - A Perfect Day! Check out the slide show which shows the many face of the park. Enjoy!
We wrapped the day by seeing "Legally Blond" - the movie made play. Great light entertainment with some wonderful singing voices and a fun story. Sorry no pics here but check out the play's website right here. That's it for today. We plan to head to Brooklyn Heights tomorrow.
See you then, --Dave and LaDawn
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday in the City
Tuesday in New York City started with rain in the morning that decided to continue throughout the rest of the day. It stopped later in the afternoon .
All day you couldn't help but think back to six years ago and the terror our country felt on this day. From Kentucky we lived through 9-11 via TV. In New York City they lived the horror first hand. The memories still remain so raw and vivid in our lives. We feel the changes every time we board the airlines. May we never forget but learn to forgive!!
We have been blessed to have spent several vacations trips to the city and have already visited many of the “touristy” locations. On this visit we decided to check out some of the other areas of the city. So off we went cabbing it down to China Town. Even in the rain the streets were filled with visitors from around the world. The street fare atmosphere is fun. Very colorful with booth style store fronts filled with handbags, watches, scarves, jewelry, oriental fans……just to name a few items. Fresh fish stales fills the air with aromas that can’t be found anywhere else in the city.
From China Town.we walked through Little Italy. They are preparing for a large street fair this weekend so the streets were full of trucks and construction teams assembling booths for wonderful Italian dining treats.
From Little Italy we walked through several streets of Greenwich Village. The small little trendy shops and "free spirit" feel of the area transcends you back to the sixties only updated. We ended up taking in dinner at one of Dave's favorite Mexican restaurants, Panchitos. The rain had subsided to just an occasional sprinkle so we were able to enjoy our killer pitcher of Margaritas from the sidewalk seating area as we people watched. We had walked several miles and the much needed rest felt great.
We headed back to Mid Town and our hotel to veg-out in front of the TV before turning in. A nice easy day. Play the slide show to see a few of the sights. --LaDawn